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Pascal/Delphi Source File
309 lines
{* *}
{* KNOB25.PAS generated from KNOB25.VBX *}
{* *}
unit Knob25;
uses SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Forms, Controls, VBXCtrl, BIVBX;
{ $DEFINE InitTKnob}
{^- Remove space to enable default init data -- See documentation. }
TKnobTurnEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject) of object;
{ TKnob }
TKnob = class(TVBXControl)
FOnTurn: TKnobTurnEvent;
{ Event handler }
procedure HandleVBXEvent(var Message: TWMVBXFireEvent); override;
procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
property Index: TVBInteger index 0 read GetIntProp;
property FontName: TVBString index 13 read GetStringProp write
property FontBold: Boolean index 14 read GetBoolProp write SetBoolProp;
property FontItalic: Boolean index 15 read GetBoolProp write SetBoolProp;
property FontStrikethru: Boolean index 16 read GetBoolProp write
property FontUnderline: Boolean index 17 read GetBoolProp write
property FontSize: Single index 18 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp;
property AVersion: Single index 19 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp;
property ZLoad: TVBInteger index 20 read GetIntProp write SetIntProp;
property Angle: Single index 39 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp;
property XScale: Single index 40 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp;
property YScale: Single index 41 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp;
property Radius: Single index 42 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp;
property Value: Single index 43 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp;
property Redraw: Boolean index 103 read GetBoolProp write SetBoolProp;
property RedrawStatic: Boolean index 104 read GetBoolProp write
property Enabled;
property Visible;
property MousePointer: TVBEnum index 8 read GetEnumProp write SetEnumProp
default 0;
property TabOrder;
property TabStop;
property About: TVBString index 21 read GetStringProp {NoRT}write
SetStringProp stored False;
property BorderType: TVBEnum index 22 read GetEnumProp write SetEnumProp;
property BevelWidth: TVBInteger index 23 read GetIntProp write SetIntProp;
property BevelInner: TVBEnum index 24 read GetEnumProp write SetEnumProp;
property BevelOuter: TVBEnum index 25 read GetEnumProp write SetEnumProp;
property BorderWidth: TVBInteger index 26 read GetIntProp write
property OutlineTitle: TVBString index 27 read GetStringProp write
property OutlineColor: TColor index 28 read GetColorProp write
property OutlineWidth: TVBInteger index 29 read GetIntProp write
property OutlineAlign: TVBEnum index 30 read GetEnumProp write
property FrameStyle: TVBEnum index 31 read GetEnumProp write SetEnumProp;
property FrameScaleX: Single index 32 read GetSingleProp write
property FrameScaleY: Single index 33 read GetSingleProp write
property FrameColor: TColor index 34 read GetColorProp write SetColorProp;
property FramePicture: TVBPic index 35 read GetPictureProp write
SetPictureProp stored False;
property BackgroundColor: TColor index 36 read GetColorProp write
property BackgroundPicture: TVBPic index 37 read GetPictureProp write
SetPictureProp stored False;
property MouseControl: Boolean index 38 read GetBoolProp write
property ScaleStartAngle: Single index 44 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property ScaleStopAngle: Single index 45 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property ScaleMinValue: Single index 46 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property ScaleMaxValue: Single index 47 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property ScaleDirection: TVBEnum index 48 read GetEnumProp write
SetEnumProp stored False;
property ScaleOriginX: Single index 49 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property ScaleOriginY: Single index 50 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property Tics: TVBInteger index 51 read GetIntProp write SetIntProp
stored False;
property TicID: TVBInteger index 52 read GetIntProp write SetIntProp
stored False;
property TicStyle: TVBEnum index 53 read GetEnumProp write SetEnumProp
stored False;
property TicInnerRadius: Single index 54 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property TicOuterRadius: Single index 55 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property TicLabelRadius: Single index 56 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property TicWidth: Single index 57 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp
stored False;
property TicStartValue: Single index 58 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property TicStopValue: Single index 59 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property TicDeltaValue: Single index 60 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property TicLabel: Boolean index 61 read GetBoolProp write SetBoolProp
stored False;
property TicColor: TColor index 62 read GetColorProp write SetColorProp
stored False;
property TicFontID: TVBInteger index 63 read GetIntProp write SetIntProp
stored False;
property Annulars: TVBInteger index 64 read GetIntProp write SetIntProp
stored False;
property AnnularID: TVBInteger index 65 read GetIntProp write SetIntProp
stored False;
property AnnularStartValue: Single index 66 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property AnnularStopValue: Single index 67 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property AnnularColor: TColor index 68 read GetColorProp write
SetColorProp stored False;
property AnnularInnerRadius: Single index 69 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property AnnularOuterRadius: Single index 70 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property Captions: TVBInteger index 71 read GetIntProp write SetIntProp
stored False;
property CaptionID: TVBInteger index 72 read GetIntProp write SetIntProp
stored False;
property Caption: TVBString index 73 read GetStringProp write
SetStringProp stored False;
property CaptionX: Single index 74 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp
stored False;
property CaptionY: Single index 75 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp
stored False;
property CaptionColor: TColor index 76 read GetColorProp write
SetColorProp stored False;
property CaptionFontID: TVBInteger index 77 read GetIntProp write
SetIntProp stored False;
property KnobStyle: TVBEnum index 78 read GetEnumProp write SetEnumProp;
property KnobUserDefined: TVBString index 79 read GetStringProp write
property KnobRadius: Single index 80 read GetSingleProp write
property KnobValue: Single index 81 read GetSingleProp write
property KnobColor: TColor index 82 read GetColorProp write SetColorProp;
property KnobMultiTurn: Boolean index 83 read GetBoolProp write
property KnobMultiTurnValue: Single index 84 read GetSingleProp write
property KnobSnap: Boolean index 85 read GetBoolProp write SetBoolProp;
property KnobSnapIncrement: Single index 86 read GetSingleProp write
property KnobPicture: TVBPic index 87 read GetPictureProp write
SetPictureProp stored False;
property MarkStyle: TVBEnum index 88 read GetEnumProp write SetEnumProp
stored False;
property MarkUserDefined: TVBString index 89 read GetStringProp write
property MarkColor: TColor index 90 read GetColorProp write SetColorProp
stored False;
property MarkInnerRadius: Single index 91 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property MarkOuterRadius: Single index 92 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property MarkWidth: Single index 93 read GetSingleProp write
SetSingleProp stored False;
property Digital: Boolean index 94 read GetBoolProp write SetBoolProp;
property DigitalX: Single index 95 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp;
property DigitalY: Single index 96 read GetSingleProp write SetSingleProp;
property DigitalDecimals: TVBInteger index 97 read GetIntProp write
property DigitalColor: TColor index 98 read GetColorProp write
property DigitalFontID: TVBInteger index 99 read GetIntProp write
property FontID: TVBInteger index 100 read GetIntProp write SetIntProp;
property Fonts: TVBInteger index 101 read GetIntProp write SetIntProp
stored False;
property AutoRedraw: Boolean index 102 read GetBoolProp write SetBoolProp;
property FontDialog_: TVBString index 105 read GetStringProp {NoRT}write
SetStringProp stored False;
property OnClick;
property OnDragDrop;
property OnEndDrag;
property OnDragOver;
property OnEnter;
property OnKeyDown;
property OnKeyPress;
property OnKeyUp;
property OnExit;
property OnMouseDown;
property OnMouseMove;
property OnMouseUp;
property OnTurn: TKnobTurnEvent read FOnTurn write FOnTurn;
procedure Register;
{ Default form data for TKnob }
{$IFDEF InitTKnob}
TKnobInitLen = 332;
procedure TKnobInitData; near; assembler;
DB $00,$00,$00,$02,$06,$FF,$FF,$07,$FF,$FF,$08,$00,$09,$00,$00,$0A
DB $00,$00,$0B,$00,$0C,$04,$4B,$6E,$6F,$62,$13,$00,$00,$20,$40,$14
DB $01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$5C,$43,$00,$00,$0C,$43,$00,$00
DB $00,$00,$00,$00,$20,$41,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
DB $00,$00,$E0,$41,$00,$00,$E0,$41,$00,$00,$5C,$43,$00,$00,$FA,$43
DB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
DB $00,$00,$00,$00,$33,$33,$33,$3F,$9A,$99,$59,$3F,$00,$00,$80,$3F
DB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$20,$41,$00,$00,$80,$3F
DB $01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$10,$00,$07,$00
DB $00,$00,$00,$00,$BC,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$02,$02,$22,$53,$79
DB $73,$74,$65,$6D,$00,$00,$53,$65,$72,$69,$66,$00,$80,$0C,$0C,$0C
DB $26,$6C,$74,$0A,$02,$00,$36,$F5,$02,$00,$97,$05,$00,$00,$16,$01
DB $17,$02,$00,$18,$01,$19,$02,$1A,$02,$00,$1B,$00,$1C,$00,$00,$00
DB $00,$1D,$00,$00,$1E,$00,$1F,$00,$20,$00,$00,$00,$00,$21,$00,$00
DB $00,$00,$22,$00,$00,$00,$00,$24,$C0,$C0,$C0,$00,$26,$FF,$FF,$27
DB $00,$00,$00,$00,$28,$00,$00,$00,$00,$29,$00,$00,$00,$00,$2A,$00
DB $00,$00,$00,$2B,$00,$00,$00,$00,$4E,$02,$4F,$00,$50,$9A,$99,$19
DB $3F,$51,$00,$00,$00,$00,$52,$80,$80,$80,$00,$53,$00,$00,$54,$00
DB $00,$00,$00,$55,$00,$00,$56,$00,$00,$80,$3F,$59,$00,$5E,$00,$00
DB $5F,$00,$00,$00,$00,$60,$00,$00,$00,$00,$61,$00,$00,$62,$00,$00
DB $00,$00,$63,$00,$00,$64,$00,$00,$66,$FF,$FF,$FF
{ TKnob }
constructor TKnob.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
FVBXFile := StrNew('KNOB25.VBX');
FVBXClass := StrNew('KNOB');
SetBounds(0, 0, 80, 32);
inherited Create(AOwner);
ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csCaptureMouse, csClickEvents];
TabStop := True;
FVBXFlags := [vfLoadMessage];
{$IFDEF InitTKnob}
FHForm := VBXCreateFormFile(TKnobInitLen, @TKnobInitData);
procedure TKnob.HandleVBXEvent(var Message: TWMVBXFireEvent);
case Message.VBXEvent^.EventIndex of
0: DispatchNotifyEvent(OnClick);
1: begin end; { VCL Handles OnDragDrop }
2: begin end; { VCL Handles OnDragOver }
3: begin end; { VCL Handles OnGotFocus }
4: DispatchKeyEvent(OnKeyDown, Message);
5: DispatchKeyPressedEvent(OnKeyPress, Message);
6: DispatchKeyEvent(OnKeyUp, Message);
7: begin end; { VCL Handles OnLostFocus }
8: DispatchMouseEvent(OnMouseDown, Message);
9: DispatchMouseMoveEvent(OnMouseMove, Message);
10: DispatchMouseEvent(OnMouseUp, Message);
11: DispatchCustomEvent(FOnTurn, Message, 11);
procedure TKnob.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
inherited DefineProperties(Filer);
HandleProperty('AVersion', Filer, 19);
HandleBinaryProperty('ZLoad', Filer, 20);
HandleBinaryProperty('FramePicture_Data', Filer, 35);
HandleBinaryProperty('BackgroundPicture_Data', Filer, 37);
HandleProperty('Angle', Filer, 39);
HandleProperty('XScale', Filer, 40);
HandleProperty('YScale', Filer, 41);
HandleProperty('Radius', Filer, 42);
HandleProperty('Value', Filer, 43);
HandleBinaryProperty('KnobPicture_Data', Filer, 87);
{ Designer registration }
procedure Register;
RegisterComponents('VBX', [